Felix Instruments, February 2016

F-750 Produce Quality Meter
Degrees Brix—or Total Soluble Solids (as scientists say)—is the measurement of sugars in a piece of fruit. Brix is used by fresh produce growers, packers, and retailers to test the quality of fruit. View the infographic

F-960 Ripen It! Gas Analyzer
Later this year we're launching a new line of gas analyzers including the F-960 Ripen It! Gas Analyzer. The F-960 rapidly measures ethylene, CO2, and O2 to assist with decision making throughout the produce ripening process. Applications include: banana ripening quality assurance, and bagged ripening system inspection. view product

Software & Firmware
F-750 Produce Quality Meter view F-900 Portable Ethylene Analyzer view F-950 Three Gas Analyzer view

March 2016
Felix Instruments will be exhibiting this March 1-2 at the UC Davis Fruit Ripening and Ethylene Management Workshop in Davis, California, USA. Event Website